I've worn nothing but Seahawks gear since Saturday (which is fairly normal, but I usually mix in a Red Sox cap with my Seahawk apparel), and I haven't gone more than a few hours without some total stranger remarking on how amazing the game was, or how loud the crowd was, or how Lynch's TD was the craziest run they'd ever seen. I've always worn my Seahawks fandom on my sleeve, and most of the time I have a "fuck you" attitude about it (because the most common reaction is usually "why are you a Seahawks fan?"), but since Saturday I've just been BEAMING with pride.
There is such an intense sense of vindication right now for those of us who endured and stood by this team through the first 15 frustrating games of this season. For those of us who wished fervently for THIS team to prove the haters wrong, for those who never got fixated on next year's draft position, these have been a thoroughly satisfying few days.
Has any Seahawks squad transformed its legacy in two weeks more than the 2010 version? On Boxing Day, you could credibly argue that they were one of the 5 or 6 WORST teams the franchise has fielded. Now? They're one of only SIX squads in franchise history to win a playoff game (1983, 1984, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010)! The legacy of Matt Hasselbeck was burnished, and Marshawn Lynch became a Seahawks legend based on a single, unbelievable play. No matter what happens in Chicago on Sunday, the Seahawks have reached the divisional playoffs four out of the last six years. Who else has made it to the NFL's "elite eight" four or more times since 2005? Baltimore, Indianapolis, New England and San Diego.
We're already hearing the chorus of blowhards declaring Seattle has no chance in Chicago this Sunday, which is pretty fucking laughable- it makes me want to quote Homer from that episode where the Simpsons go to Africa: "What did you JUST SEE, Lisa???" Their disrespect does nothing but fuel us and de-motivate the Bears and their flunkies, so I say keep it up, boys!
Obviously, I'm jealous of those that were there at Qwest causing LynchQuakes Saturday, but given my family's health problems it's a good thing I stayed out here in Ohio. If we end up hosting Green Bay in the NFC Championship, I vow to be there at Qwest in Section 325, screaming 'til I cough up blood.
Thank you for being a beacon of joy and triumph in my time of dank sickness and worry, Seahawks. It has really helped me keep my sanity, and a few more wins wouldn't hurt either.
Looks like this Chicago game is shaping up to be The Next Great "Fuck You" To The Rest of The NFL (tm), and especially to all those (maybe the greatest contribution to the vast pantheon of my sports vernacular, brought to you by The Beard himself) DITKA-FLUFFING MORONS throughout the land.
I, too, will spare my political opinions on the Arizona shootings, as this is not the time nor place. In summary of this season, both for this team and for most of the thinking population of this country, as the great Shana Kemp recently posted on her Facebook wall: "Goodbye 2010. Don't let the door hit you in the ass."
My best to you and your family in your hour of need. I will cover you all.
Seattle by 28 in Chicago. And national media will then proceed to explain it was only because Chicago sucks.
11-9 Bee-Yotches!!! 11-9!!!
Best of luck to you and your family.
Thank you for not politicising this great site. I am a far right conservative and i bet we have far different takes on the tradgedy in Arizona. I realize this is your baby and you can say whatever you wish but please understand I dont watch Fox news for Seahawks info and I dont come here for politics. We can agree and unite to support our beloved Blue Wave.They need all the support they can get right now. I am also a displaced Seahawk zealot (montana) and have followed the team since their inception.Surprisingly theres not a lot of love for the Hawks here as most of the natives support the hated Broncos (yes im old enough to remember even before the Elway era lol) makes for some good "fuck you all!" moments. Anyhow I love this site and I share your defiant attitude. Fuck the World Baby the Blue Wave is on a Roll!!!!
Hope your wife gets well soon and I truly feel for your son as Ive had ear problems all my life.
Jay Cutler is an Ass Hat, Mike Martz is an Ass Munch...
By their powers combined they are Captain Hatmunch!
Seriously hope we make Cutler cry and give Martz flashbacks to 2005
2004 Rams: 8-8 wild Card team advanced to Divisional Round
2005 Rams: 6-10 no playoffs
Difference? The Seahawks swept the Rams in 2005, I think that means we pretty much ruined Mike Martz's run as Head Coach in the NFL
I forgot to add, Martz began his leave of absence due to Health reasons on October 10, 2005. Want to guess what happened on October 9, 2005? The 'Hawks beat down the Rams and their lamest show on turf in their own house!!!
The PI had some pictures of some fans sending the Hawks off. Did you see it. I thought of you when I saw the pony. It was, probably, supposed to be for BMW, but, to me, #17 will always be Krieg.
Here's the link to the pic:
Looks like we are playing for home field tomorrow. I am hoping for a DKSB blog post tonight!
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