A long time ago, I used to respect, even LIKE the 49ers. Back when they weren't yet our divisional foes, I admired lots of things about the Niners. Bill Walsh was a genius who changed the game for the better, Joe Montana and Jerry Rice were class acts who also happened to be two of the greatest players in the history of the sport, and the organization oozed cool professionalism. Back in the 1990s, I vigorously rooted for them to beat the detestable Cowboys every year, and one of my favorite non-Seahawks moments in NFL history was when Steve Young's Niners slayed Dallas in the 1994 NFC Championship. Those old Niners showed that you could win, and win big, by outsmarting your opponents, rather than just beating them into submission. In the early days of the Holmgren epoch, I LOVED the notion that the Seahawks might evolve into an echo of those old Niners teams in the 21st century.
Then realignment- and everything changed. T.O. and his fucking sharpie on MNF... Dennis Erickson taking over in SF... The Niners becoming not just bad, but laughably pathetic mid-decade... Finally, Singletary- The Anti-Walsh. Instead of cerebral, intelligent football? Undisciplined, thuggish caveman ball, coupled with an unearned swagger that lathered up a frothy hatred for the Niners from Seattle to Phoenix to St. Louis.
The current iteration of the San Francisco 49ers dishonors the franchise's long, storied history. They are a strikingly unlikable crew, and the Seahawks are fixing to dump the last few shovels of dirt onto the dead-from-the-neck-up Singletary regime. Yes, that's probably bad for us in 2011, when SF might hire a competent head coach who isn't a buffoonish blowhard, but it will be SO satisfying to hasten the end of Captain Bug Eyes career as an NFL head coach anyway.
You KNOW Kentwan Balmer and Michael Robinson, both casualties of Singeltary's misguided rule, will be amped up for this one.. And Singletary has done us one final, majestic favor: He's benched the dynamic, athletic QB with a semblance of leadership skills (Troy Smith) for the broken, weak-minded, glued-into-the-pocket, first-round-bust QB (Alex Smith)... And Alex Smith's history against the Seahawks? A 2-5 overall record (with no wins since 2006), an cumulative 68.9 passer rating, and a traumatically separated shoulder thanks to Rocky Bernard back in 2007. Let's not forget that in week 1, Alex Smith IMPLODED at Qwest Field.
Great to have #11 back, isn't it? :)
The Seahawks will ROLL on Sunday. You heard it here first.
I'm going to take solace in the fact that Singletary has chosen to go with a QB that is hated not only by most NFL fans, but also by the 49er fans themselves. His own fans, who, in a gang of 70,000, booed him, culled him and called for Carr to take the field not too long ago.
What a way to instil confidence and support in your QB.
The whole SF organization is in a heap at the moment.
Hey Johnny, do you think a Seahawk win will give us any hope/optimism for a possible victory against the Falcons or Tampa? Or do you reckon we should put all faith into week 17?
I never say never- Particularly if we get a win at SF, maybe we can catch ATL looking past us (they have a MNF showdown with the Saints the week after playing us)... The game at Tampa is winnable, particularly if the Bucs are already out of realistic playoff contention... Keep hope alive!
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