I know President-Elect Obama has a lot on his plate right now, but I'd like to make a humble request as one of his voters/contributors/volunteers/constituents:
Bring back the Post-Super Bowl Presidential Phone Call to the victorious locker room! (Ok, now they do all the post-game stuff out on the field, but the principle is still the same.)
Nothing is more awkward/entertaining than a President trying to make small talk with an athlete... Remember when Reagan made that crack about using Marcus Allen as a weapon against the Russkies? Obama could top that by telling, say, Ray Lewis that he could sure use his help "intercepting" Bin Laden... Hilarious!
Shit, you could even have verizon sponsor it.. have Bob Costas hand the MVP the phone, and Obama shows up on the stadium jumbotron. Easy Peasy.
Who's with me on this one?
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