When I was 12, my friends decided to pull this April Fool's Day prank on me. It was 1987, and when I got to school that day, they told me that Steve Largent had been traded to Green Bay for a second round pick. Being a trusting soul, and not remembering what day it was, I was devastated.
I ended up calling home during lunch and asking my Mom to turn on CNN Headline News and tell me if there was any news about the Largent trade on their sports segment. She said there was nothing about that, but I spent the rest of the day thinking my favorite player had been traded. When school ended, the prank was revealed, and everyone except me thought it was hi-lar-ious. Yeah, it was a regular laff riot.
So no pranks here tomorrow, and y'all should remember to have your bullshit detectors cranked all the way up to 11 tomorrow. Stupid fucking day.
It truly is the worst god damned day on the calendar. Every night before I vow I'm not gonna read anything for the day and of course first thing in the morning it's "HOLY SHIT! THE SEAHAWKS JUST TRADED FOR OCHO CINCO...oh wait, fuck you Steffes"
Fuck Me? That isn't very nice. You guys need to lighten up and have a little fun.
For me, it was the radio report that we had just traded Brian Bosworth for Joe Montana. That must have been in either '86 or '87. I was pretty excited until I found out that I'd been had. What made it worse was that I distinctly remember they reported it on April 2, so I had my guard down. I was pissed.
Steffes, we still love you, man. Let us all chillax, yo.
Its cool DK, I am pickin up what you are throwin down my brother! Lets get the 09 funk on!
yeah Steffes, I still think you're awesome and the best at covering the hawks. It was just that one moment...
but this morning's Jeremy Stevens things was pretty damned funny though
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