Our O-line allowed Beck to get sacked thrice... Let me say that in Newspeak: That's triple-plus ungood.
Other than that, I was pleased with Seattle's performance... onto the highlights:
Matt Hasselbeck was in "odd year" form (you know, his Pro Bowl years of 2003, 2005 and 2007), going 16/23 for 172 yards, two TDs and zero picks. He dropped two "in the bucket" to Deon Butler and TJH for scores.
Justin Forsett appeared to solidify his grip on the 3rd RB spot, particularly with his skill catching the ball and killing Yaks from 200 yards away.... WITH MIND BULLETS!
After a shaky start, the Seattle defense started forcing turnovers and doling out steaming bowls of hot, creamy punishment to Denver's callow minions... Nick Reed blocked a punt, got a couple of sacks and went back in time to win the Vietnam War. Yes, the Eugene Machine makes Rambo look like Pre-Old Spice Swagger Tony Stewart.
Hell, I was even impressed by the Qwest Field crowd. The joint was packed for a preseason game, and reasonably loud. The whole Sounders FC thing is cute, but the real rulers of Qwest are back in town, ladies and gents.
I'm sure Field Gulls and Seahawk Addicts will have actually competent, informed breakdowns tomorrow, but this relatively easy win should sooth some of the more jittery Twelves out there after the bad news on Big Walt and Tru earlier this week.
What do you think, sirs?
That goal line stand was really something else. It was if the defense realized they needed to wake up because Denver was making them look kind of silly. From that point on they were nails, the second and third stringers picking it up from their and dominating in ways you'd never expect in the pre-season.
Loved Hass tonight. I get the feeling he and TJ are going to have an electric year. Offensive line is worrying me, but not as much as I thought it would when I learned Walt went down.
All-in-all it was a great night. Definitely a lot of fun to watch. :)
Side question - you do realize not all Seahawk fans are 'sirs,' right? Seriously, there are those of us with boobs and everything.
I call everyone "dude" or "man" regardless of gender, but the "What do you think, sirs?" thing is ripped off from MST3K (yes, I know, nerd alert!).
I actually pride myself on being a female-friendly football blog, so let me say for the record that yes, I'm aware many of my readers have boobs.
As I've said before, I think it's obvious that the Seahawks' female fans are disproportionately smart, pretty, and awesome on multiple levels.
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