Steelers v. Bears game...
Which isn't on local TV...
So that joint will be crawling with Black and Gold fucksticks...
It's going to be very hard for me not to forkstab the first schmuck who talks ANY shit about XL.
I'm really just looking for advice here. I can quote facts chapter and verse, and hold my own in any argument, but I've never been completely surrounded by Steeler fantards as the sole Twelve in the room before.
How do I get through this with my sanity intact, and without shanking/getting shanked?
What do you think, sirs?
Go to an Eagles bar.
Get DirecTV Sunday Ticket and stay home!!!
I think shanking will be the only thing that will get across the true message you are trying to convey to these degenerates. If you do get into an argument, just be sure not to get really outwardly worked up and loud, etc. They'll feed off of that for sure. Just stay cool, and use the power of stats and Seahawks badassery to your advantage.
Only respond with questions about Bubby Brister's Mom.
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