At any Seahawks game, I'm what Wilco would describe as "an ocean, all emotion." I get really wrapped up in the utter awesomeness of everything around me... the beauty of Qwest, the exhilaration of being surrounded by other Twelves, and the excitement of getting up close to the players before the game... This can lead to me becoming a bit foggy in the ol' brainpan.
For example: About 45 minutes before kickoff, a very tall man comes up to me and starts asking me about my tickets. At first, I thought he was an usher about to give us the bums rush out of the seats near the Seahawks tunnel at field level. Once it became apparent that wasn't the play, I was confused by what he said next...
"Do you have the real tickets? My son's on them. We've got these."
(he shows me a pair of ticketmastery non-Season tickets)
"Can I trade these tickets for yours?"
At this point, I think he's probably running some kind of scam, so I say "nah, I think I want to hold onto these... No thanks." Then he walks off, and I start asking my little brother what the hell just happened. He points out the following:
1. The guy said his son was on the ticket. John Carlson indeed was on the season tickets for Sunday's game.
2. The tall man and and (presumably) his wife were both wearing John Carlson jerseys.
It takes me a good long moment to add it up, but yup... Those were Touchdown Jeebus' parentals! I run down to their seats, and attempt to gracefully backtrack and hand over my tickets emblazoned with their son's likeness. I give them the info about my blog, my e-mail address, and my US mail address in case they felt like getting JC to sign something and send it to me... So if you are reading this, Mr. and/or Mrs. Carlson, I'm sorry if I seemed rude or thickheaded at the outset. I was just drunk on Qwest Field and Seahawks Mania. In addition, kudos to your son for signing an autograph for my little brother... That's JC: All classy and touchdowny.
You can get the hardcore analysis of the game from Field Gulls or Addicts, so I'll leave my take on the game itself at this: The Twelve Army came ready to shatter eardrums and scramble mind grapes. It's not an exaggeration to say that the Qwest crowd directly killed at least one St. Louis drive by inducing multiple false starts, and generally the Rams looked rattled, nervous and about as poised as Mr. Burns on an ether bender. We should all be rubbing our hands together menacingly at the idea of Jay "4 ints" Cutler coming to town in two weeks... Mu-ha-ha-ha!
I also got to meet Mark Tye Turner, author of Notes From a 12th Man. Awesome guy, and he wrote an amazing book (which you can buy at amazon through the link at the sidebar... hint hint). Here we are being super dignified:
Finally... Greenman!!!! I'd like to think he was inspired by my marching orders, but he said he was on the clock for FOX/FX to promote It's Always Sunny...
Today was probably the most fun I've ever had a regular season Seahawks game, and we're not talking about a small sample. For me, it's on a plane and back to Ohio on Monday. I'll probably post again on Tuesday, and keep your eyes on Field Gulls for my inaugural post there as well.
What do you think, sirs?
Way to make up for your mistake, but I would have still been at least hesitant to give up my season tickets. I keep stuff like that.
Oh, and it doesn't seem like many people have brought it up, but I think the crowd noise directly caused Josh Brown to miss his relatively short field goal.
I met John Carlson's grandmother at the Vikings/Seahawks preseason game up in Minneapolis last year.
I was sitting in my seat and a whole group of ladies wearing Seahawks t-shirts sat down behind me. I turned around to thank them for having some fellow Hawks fans around me when one of the women introduced me to JC's grandma. I couldn't believe it. I said I was honored to meet her and gave her my business card asking if there was anything JC could sign and send me I'd love to have it.
About six months later what comes in the mail but JC's autograph... on my business card! I also got a little note from his grandma, couldn't believe it.
I was already a big fan of JC but after yesterday's game even more so. Can't wait to go to Seattle in October for their game against the Cardinals. GO HAWKS!!!
I bought JC's jersey last year before the season started, the only one in our section (320). The guy who sits next to my husband says every time he makes a great play I look like I'm all blissed out. Good to know he comes from great parents and grandparents. How cool you got to meet them AND share the experience with all of us.
I think you did the right thing. When Joseph and Mary ask you for two templates that you have, emblazoned with White Jesus' image, you fork them over. I'm sure Moses was a little thrown when that burning shrub was talking to him, but he came around. As did you. (I know. I'm cross-collateralizing old and new, but I don't care.) Well done, sir.
Ran across your story while searching around for John Carlson stuff. I'm from the same town as John Carlson. His dad, also John, is a coach for the high school. The Carlson's are a great family and very down to earth.
My favorite story about John Junior is when I was a senior in High School him and his older brother were about 4 and 8. I played tennis and John Senior was the head coach. So John Junior and his brother Alex were always at the courts playing tennis with us. Just playing with them back then you knew they were going to be outstanding athletes.
If you want to see what they did in high school basketball search around for Litchfield, MN high school basketball 2000. They dominated the hard wood that year at a perfect 30-0 and state champs.
All of this and they are outstanding people.
Go Seahawks!
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